. * * @category Entity * @package GaletteTests * * @author Johan Cwiklinski * @copyright 2020 The Galette Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL License 3.0 or (at your option) any later version * @version SVN: $Id$ * @link http://galette.tuxfamily.org * @since 2020-11-21 */ namespace Galette\Entity\test\units; use atoum; use Galette\Entity\Adherent; use Galette\DynamicFields\DynamicField; /** * PDF model tests * * @category Entity * @name PdfModel * @package GaletteTests * @author Johan Cwiklinski * @copyright 2020 The Galette Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL License 3.0 or (at your option) any later version * @link http://galette.tuxfamily.org * @since 2020-11-21 */ class PdfModel extends atoum { private $zdb; private $preferences; private $session; private $login; private $remove = []; private $i18n; private $container; private $seed = 95842354; private $history; private $adh; private $contrib; private $members_fields; /** * Set up tests * * @param string $testMethod Calling method * * @return void */ public function beforeTestMethod($testMethod) { $this->zdb = new \Galette\Core\Db(); $this->preferences = new \Galette\Core\Preferences($this->zdb); $this->i18n = new \Galette\Core\I18n( \Galette\Core\I18n::DEFAULT_LANG ); $this->session = new \RKA\Session(); $this->login = new \Galette\Core\Login($this->zdb, $this->i18n, $this->session); $models = new \Galette\Repository\PdfModels($this->zdb, $this->preferences, $this->login); $res = $models->installInit(false); $this->boolean($res)->isTrue(); $container = new class { /** * Get (only router) * * @param string $name Param name * * @return mixed */ public function get($name) { $router = new class { /** * Get path ('') * * @param sttring $name Route name * * @return string */ public function pathFor($name) { return ''; } }; return $router; } }; $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = ''; $this->container = $container; $this->history = new \Galette\Core\History($this->zdb, $this->login, $this->preferences); include_once GALETTE_ROOT . 'includes/fields_defs/members_fields.php'; $this->members_fields = $members_fields; $this->adh = new \Galette\Entity\Adherent($this->zdb); $this->adh->setDependencies( $this->preferences, $this->members_fields, $this->history ); } /** * Tear down tests * * @param string $testMethod Calling method * * @return void */ public function afterTestMethod($testMethod) { $delete = $this->zdb->delete(\Galette\Entity\Contribution::TABLE); $delete->where(['info_cotis' => 'FAKER' . $this->seed]); $this->zdb->execute($delete); $delete = $this->zdb->delete(\Galette\Entity\Adherent::TABLE); $this->zdb->execute($delete); $delete = $this->zdb->delete(\Galette\Entity\DynamicFieldsHandle::TABLE); $this->zdb->execute($delete); $delete = $this->zdb->delete(DynamicField::TABLE); $this->zdb->execute($delete); //cleanup dynamic translations $delete = $this->zdb->delete(\Galette\Core\L10n::TABLE); $delete->where([ 'text_orig' => [ 'Dynamic choice field', 'Dynamic date field', 'Dynamic text field' ] ]); $this->zdb->execute($delete); /*if ($this->contents_table !== null) { $this->zdb->drop($this->contents_table); }*/ } /** * Test expected patterns * * @return void */ public function testExpectedPatterns() { global $container, $zdb; $zdb = $this->zdb; //globals '( $container = $this->container; //globals '( $model = new class ($this->zdb, $this->preferences, 1) extends \Galette\Entity\PdfModel { }; $main_expected = [ 'asso_name' => '/{ASSO_NAME}/', 'asso_slogan' => '/{ASSO_SLOGAN}/', 'asso_address' => '/{ASSO_ADDRESS}/', 'asso_address_multi' => '/{ASSO_ADDRESS_MULTI}/', 'asso_website' => '/{ASSO_WEBSITE}/', 'asso_logo' => '/{ASSO_LOGO}/', 'date_now' => '/{DATE_NOW}/' ]; $this->array($model->patterns)->isIdenticalTo($main_expected); $model = new \Galette\Entity\PdfMain($this->zdb, $this->preferences); $this->array($model->patterns)->isIdenticalTo($main_expected); $expected = $main_expected + [ 'adh_title' => '/{TITLE_ADH}/', 'adh_id' => '/{ID_ADH}/', 'adh_name' => '/{NAME_ADH}/', 'adh_last_name' => '/{LAST_NAME_ADH}/', 'adh_first_name' => '/{FIRST_NAME_ADH}/', 'adh_nickname' => '/{NICKNAME_ADH}/', 'adh_gender' => '/{GENDER_ADH}/', 'adh_birth_date' => '/{ADH_BIRTH_DATE}/', 'adh_birth_place' => '/{ADH_BIRTH_PLACE}/', 'adh_profession' => '/{PROFESSION_ADH}/', 'adh_company' => '/{COMPANY_ADH}/', 'adh_address' => '/{ADDRESS_ADH}/', 'adh_zip' => '/{ZIP_ADH}/', 'adh_town' => '/{TOWN_ADH}/', 'adh_country' => '/{COUNTRY_ADH}/', 'adh_phone' => '/{PHONE_ADH}/', 'adh_mobile' => '/{MOBILE_ADH}/', 'adh_email' => '/{EMAIL_ADH}/', 'adh_login' => '/{LOGIN_ADH}/', 'adh_main_group' => '/{GROUP_ADH}/', 'adh_groups' => '/{GROUPS_ADH}/' ]; $model = new \Galette\Entity\PdfAdhesionFormModel($this->zdb, $this->preferences); $this->array($model->patterns)->isIdenticalTo($expected); $expected = $expected + [ 'contrib_label' => '/{CONTRIB_LABEL}/', 'contrib_amount' => '/{CONTRIB_AMOUNT}/', 'contrib_amount_letters' => '/{CONTRIB_AMOUNT_LETTERS}/', 'contrib_date' => '/{CONTRIB_DATE}/', 'contrib_year' => '/{CONTRIB_YEAR}/', 'contrib_comment' => '/{CONTRIB_COMMENT}/', 'contrib_bdate' => '/{CONTRIB_BEGIN_DATE}/', 'contrib_edate' => '/{CONTRIB_END_DATE}/', 'contrib_id' => '/{CONTRIB_ID}/', 'contrib_payment' => '/{CONTRIB_PAYMENT_TYPE}/', '_contrib_label' => '/{CONTRIBUTION_LABEL}/', '_contrib_amount' => '/{CONTRIBUTION_AMOUNT}/', '_contrib_amount_letters' => '/{CONTRIBUTION_AMOUNT_LETTERS}/', '_contrib_date' => '/{CONTRIBUTION_DATE}/', '_contrib_year' => '/{CONTRIBUTION_YEAR}/', '_contrib_comment' => '/{CONTRIBUTION_COMMENT}/', '_contrib_bdate' => '/{CONTRIBUTION_BEGIN_DATE}/', '_contrib_edate' => '/{CONTRIBUTION_END_DATE}/', '_contrib_id' => '/{CONTRIBUTION_ID}/', '_contrib_payment' => '/{CONTRIBUTION_PAYMENT_TYPE}/' ]; $model = new \Galette\Entity\PdfInvoice($this->zdb, $this->preferences); $this->array($model->patterns)->isIdenticalTo($expected); $model = new \Galette\Entity\PdfReceipt($this->zdb, $this->preferences); $this->array($model->patterns)->isIdenticalTo($expected); } /** * Types provider * * @return array */ protected function typesProvider(): array { return [ [ 'type' => \Galette\Entity\PdfModel::MAIN_MODEL, 'expected' => 'Galette\Entity\PdfMain' ], [ 'type' => \Galette\Entity\PdfModel::INVOICE_MODEL, 'expected' => 'Galette\Entity\PdfInvoice' ], [ 'type' => \Galette\Entity\PdfModel::RECEIPT_MODEL, 'expected' => 'Galette\Entity\PdfReceipt' ], [ 'type' => \Galette\Entity\PdfModel::ADHESION_FORM_MODEL, 'expected' => 'Galette\Entity\PdfAdhesionFormModel' ], [ 'type' => 0, 'expected' => 'Galette\Entity\PdfMain' ] ]; } /** * Tets getTypeClass * @dataProvider typesProvider * * @param integer $type Requested type * @param string $expected Expected class name * * @return void */ public function testGetypeClass($type, $expected) { $this->string(\Galette\Entity\PdfModel::getTypeClass($type))->isIdenticalTo($expected); } /** * Test model replacements * * @return void */ public function testReplacements() { global $container, $zdb; $zdb = $this->zdb; //globals '( $container = $this->container; //globals '( //create dynamic fields $field_data = [ 'form_name' => 'adh', 'field_name' => 'Dynamic text field', 'field_perm' => DynamicField::PERM_USER_WRITE, 'field_type' => DynamicField::TEXT, 'field_required' => 1, 'field_repeat' => 1 ]; $adf = DynamicField::getFieldType($this->zdb, $field_data['field_type']); $stored = $adf->store($field_data); $error_detected = $adf->getErrors(); $warning_detected = $adf->getWarnings(); $this->boolean($stored)->isTrue( implode( ' ', $adf->getErrors() + $adf->getWarnings() ) ); $this->array($error_detected)->isEmpty(implode(' ', $adf->getErrors())); $this->array($warning_detected)->isEmpty(implode(' ', $adf->getWarnings())); $field_data = [ 'form_name' => 'contrib', 'field_form' => 'contrib', 'field_name' => 'Dynamic date field', 'field_perm' => DynamicField::PERM_USER_WRITE, 'field_type' => DynamicField::DATE, 'field_required' => 1, 'field_repeat' => 1 ]; $cdf = DynamicField::getFieldType($this->zdb, $field_data['field_type']); $stored = $cdf->store($field_data); $error_detected = $cdf->getErrors(); $warning_detected = $cdf->getWarnings(); $this->boolean($stored)->isTrue( implode( ' ', $cdf->getErrors() + $cdf->getWarnings() ) ); $this->array($error_detected)->isEmpty(implode(' ', $cdf->getErrors())); $this->array($warning_detected)->isEmpty(implode(' ', $cdf->getWarnings())); //prepare model $rs = new \stdClass(); $pk = \Galette\Entity\PdfModel::PK; $rs->$pk = 42; $rs->model_name = 'Test model'; $rs->model_title = 'A simple tmodel for tests'; $rs->model_subtitle = 'The subtitle'; $rs->model_header = null; $rs->model_footer = null; $rs->model_body = 'name: {NAME_ADH} login: {LOGIN_ADH} birthdate: {ADH_BIRTH_DATE} dynlabel: {LABEL_DYNFIELD_' . $adf->getId() . '_ADH} dynvalue: {INPUT_DYNFIELD_' . $adf->getId() . '_ADH} ' . '- enddate: {CONTRIB_END_DATE} amount: {CONTRIB_AMOUNT} ({CONTRIB_AMOUNT_LETTERS}) dynlabel: ' . '{LABEL_DYNFIELD_' . $cdf->getId() . '_CONTRIB} dynvalue: {INPUT_DYNFIELD_' . $cdf->getId() . '_CONTRIB}'; $rs->model_styles = null; $rs->model_parent = \Galette\Entity\PdfModel::MAIN_MODEL; $model = new \Galette\Entity\PdfInvoice($this->zdb, $this->preferences, $rs); $this->string($model->hheader)->isIdenticalTo("
"); $this->string($model->hfooter)->isIdenticalTo(''); $data = [ 'nom_adh' => 'Durand', 'prenom_adh' => 'René', 'ville_adh' => 'Martel', 'cp_adh' => '39 069', 'adresse_adh' => '66, boulevard De Oliveira', 'email_adh' => 'meunier.josephine@ledoux.com', 'login_adh' => 'arthur.hamon', 'mdp_adh' => 'J^B-()f', 'mdp_adh2' => 'J^B-()f', 'bool_admin_adh' => false, 'bool_exempt_adh' => false, 'bool_display_info' => true, 'sexe_adh' => 0, 'prof_adh' => 'Chef de fabrication', 'titre_adh' => null, 'ddn_adh' => '1937-12-26', 'lieu_naissance' => 'Gonzalez-sur-Meunier', 'pseudo_adh' => 'ubertrand', 'pays_adh' => 'Antarctique', 'tel_adh' => '0439153432', 'url_adh' => 'http://bouchet.com/', 'activite_adh' => true, 'id_statut' => 9, 'date_crea_adh' => '2020-06-10', 'pref_lang' => 'en_US', 'fingerprint' => 'FAKER' . $this->seed, 'info_field_' . $adf->getId() . '_1' => 'My value (:' ]; $this->createMember($data); $model->setMember($this->adh); $this->createContribution($cdf); $model->setContribution($this->contrib); $this->string($model->hbody)->isEqualTo( 'name: DURAND René login: arthur.hamon birthdate: 1937-12-26 dynlabel: Dynamic text field dynvalue: ' . '