{% extends 'page.html.twig' %} {% block content %}
{% if logo.isCustom() %}
{{ _T(
{% endif %}
{% if logo.isCustom() %}
{% endif %}

{# /column #}
{{ preferences.getTelemetryDate() }} - {{ _T("send") }}
{% if pref.pref_registration_date %} {% set regtxt = _T("Update your information") %} {{ preferences.getRegistrationDate() }} {% else %} {% set regtxt = _T("Register") %} {{ _T("Not registered") }} {% endif %} - {{ regtxt }}
{# /column #}
{# /column grid #}
{# /tab segment #} {% set socials = preferences.socials %} {% include "elements/edit_socials.html.twig" with {tabbed: true} %}
{# /column #}
Script URI must be prefixed by one of 'galette://' for Galette internal call. 'file://' for a direct file call, 'get://' or 'post://' for HTTP calls (prefix will be replaced by http:// in those cases).") }}">
%galette_url")|replace({"%galette_url": preferences.getDefaultURL() ~ url_for('preferences')}) }}">
{# /column #}
{# /column grid #}
{{ _T("(Months)") }}
{# /column #}
{{ _T("(dd/mm)") }}
{{ _T("Let's say you offer last 2 months, and have a renewal on 31th of December. All created contributions in current year will be valid until this date, but as of October, they will be valid for the entire next year.") }}">
{# /column #}
{# /column grid #}
{# /tab segment #}
{# /tab segment #}
{% if constant('GALETTE_MODE') == constant('\\Galette\\Core\\Galette::MODE_DEMO') %}
{{ _T("Application runs under demo mode. This functionnality is not enabled, sorry.") }}
{% else %}
{% set pref_email = preferences.vpref_email|join(',') %} {{ _T("(You can enter several emails separated with a comma. First address will be the default one.)") }}
{% set pref_email = preferences.vpref_email_newadh|join(',') %}
{{ _T("(You can enter several emails separated with a comma. First address will be the default one.)") }}
{# /column #}

{{ _T("Test email settings") }}
For GMail, this will always be on.") }}">
{# /column #}
{# /column grid #} {% endif %}
{# /tab segment #}
{# /column #}
{# /column #}
{# /column grid #}
{# /tab segment #}
{{ _T("Each card is 75mm width and 40mm height. Each page contains 2 columns and 6 rows.
Double check margins and spacings ;)")|raw }}
{{ _T("(10 characters max)") }}
{{ _T("(65 characters max)") }}
{# /group fields #}
{% if print_logo.isCustom() %}
{{ _T(
{% endif %}
{% if print_logo.isCustom() %}
{% endif %}
{# /column #}
{{ _T("(Choose address printed below name)") }}
- a year,
- two years with a slash as separator,
- the string 'DEADLINE' to use member deadline") }}">
{# /column #}
{# /column grid #}
{# /tab segment #} {% if login.isAdmin() %}
{{ _T("Levels are:") }}

  • * {{ _T("None") }} {{ _T("for no strength enforcement") }}
  • * {{ _T("Weak") }} {{ _T("require at least one matched rule") }}
  • * {{ _T("Medium") }} {{ _T("require at least two matched rules") }}
  • * {{ _T("Strong") }} {{ _T("require at least three matched rules (recommended for most usages)") }}
  • * {{ _T("Very Strong") }} {{ _T("requires all rules.") }}

{{ _T("Rules include lower case characters, upper case characters, numbers, and special characters.") }}
{{ _T("Note that with any enforcement level, user cannot use his personal information (name, login, ...) as password.") }}

" data-variation="inverted very wide">
{{ _T("Do not forget to save your preferences if you're happy with the result ;)") }}">
{# /tab segment #} {% endif %} {% if login.isSuperAdmin() %}
{% if constant('GALETTE_MODE') == constant('\\Galette\\Core\\Galette::MODE_DEMO') %}
{{ _T("Application runs under demo mode. This functionnality is not enabled, sorry.") }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{# /tab segment #} {% endif %}
{% include "components/forms/csrf.html.twig" %}
{% include "modals/telemetry.html.twig" with {part: "dialog"} %} {% include "modals/replacements_legend.html.twig" with {legends: preferences.getLegend(), cur_ref: 'prefs'} %} {% endblock %} {% block javascripts %} {% endblock %}