]> git.agnieray.net Git - galette.git/blob - galette/templates/default/public_page.html.twig
[galette.git] / galette / templates / default / public_page.html.twig
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
3 <html lang="{{ galette_lang }}"{% if i18n.isRtl() %} dir="rtl"{% endif %} class="public_page{% if additionnal_html_class is defined %} {{ additionnal_html_class }}{% endif %}">
4 <head>
5 {% include 'elements/header.html.twig' with {
6 galette_lang: galette_lang
7 } %}
8 </head>
9 <body class="{% if body_class is defined and body_class == "front_page" %}front-page {% endif %}pushable{% if login.isLogged() %} loggedin{% endif %} nojs">
10 {% include 'elements/navigation/navigation_sidebar.html.twig' %}
11 {% include 'elements/navigation/navigation_topbar.html.twig' %}
12 <div class="pusher">
13 <div id="main" class="{% if cur_route == "login" or cur_route == "password-lost" or cur_route == "password-recovery" or cur_route == "directlink" %}text {% endif %}{% if not login.isLogged() %}ui container{% else %}full height{% if i18n.isRtl() %} rtl{% endif %}{% endif %}">
14 {% if login.isLogged() %}
15 {% include "elements/navigation/navigation_aside.html.twig" %}
16 {% endif %}
17 <section class="{% if login.isLogged() %}content{% else %}vertically centered{% endif %}">
18 {% if not login.isLogged() %}
19 <div class="ui basic center aligned fitted segment">
20 <img src="{{ url_for("logo") }}" width="{{ logo.getOptimalWidth() }}" height="{{ logo.getOptimalHeight() }}" alt="{{ preferences.pref_nom }}" class="logo"/>
21 <div class="ui large header">
22 {{ preferences.pref_nom }}
23 <div class="sub header">{% if preferences.pref_slogan %}{{ __(preferences.pref_slogan) }}{% endif %}</div>
24 </div>
25 </div>
26 <h1 class="ui block center aligned header" style="position: relative">
27 {% else %}
28 <div class="ui horizontal basic segments header">
29 <div class="ui center aligned segment">
30 <h1>
31 {% endif %}
32 {{ page_title }}</h1>
33 </h1>
34 {% if login.isLogged() %}
35 </div>
36 </div>
37 {% endif %}
38 <div class="main-content">
39 {% include "elements/messages_inline.html.twig" %}
40 {% block content %}{{ _T("Public page content") }}{% endblock %}
41 </div>
42 {% include "elements/footer.html.twig" %}
43 </section>
44 </div>
45 </div>
46 <a href="#" id="back2top" class="circular big ui icon button" title="{{ _T("Back to top") }}">
47 <i class="arrow up icon"></i>
48 </a>
49 {% include "elements/scripts.html.twig" %}
50 {% block javascripts %}{% endblock %}
51 </body>
52 </html>