]> git.agnieray.net Git - galette.git/blob - galette/templates/default/elements/navigation/navigation_aside.html.twig
Add hyperlink of asso website to the logo on the sidebar menu; closes #1790
[galette.git] / galette / templates / default / elements / navigation / navigation_aside.html.twig
1 <aside id="sidemenu" class="ui computer toc{% if login.getCompactMenu() %} compact_menu{% endif %}">
2 {% include "elements/logged_user.html.twig" with {
3 ui: "menu"
4 } %}
6 {% if not login.getCompactMenu() %}
7 <div class="ui basic center aligned fitted segment">
8 {% if preferences.pref_website is not empty %}
9 <a href="{{ preferences.pref_website }}" target="_blank">
10 <img src="{{ url_for('logo') }}" width="{{ logo.getOptimalWidth() }}" height="{{ logo.getOptimalHeight() }}" alt="{{ preferences.pref_nom }}" class="icon" title="{{ _T("Open '%s' in a new window")|replace({"%s": preferences.pref_website}) }}"/>
11 </a>
12 {% else %}
13 <img src="{{ url_for('logo') }}" width="{{ logo.getOptimalWidth() }}" height="{{ logo.getOptimalHeight() }}" alt="{{ preferences.pref_nom }}" class="icon"/>
14 {% endif %}
15 <div class="ui block huge brand header">
16 {{ preferences.pref_nom }}
17 {% if preferences.pref_slogan %}<div class="sub tiny header">{{ __(preferences.pref_slogan) }}</div>{% endif %}
18 </div>
19 </div>
20 {% endif %}
22 <nav class="ui vertical{% if not login.getCompactMenu() %} accordion compact{% else %} tiny icon{% endif %} fluid menu" aria-label="{{ _T('Main menu') }}">
23 {% set mode = login.getCompactMenu() ? "compact" : "default" %}
24 {% include "elements/navigation/navigation_items.html.twig" with {
25 mode: mode
26 } %}
27 </nav>
29 <div class="ui basic fitted segment">
30 <div class="ui toggle mini checkbox">
31 <input type="checkbox" name="compactmenu" id="compactmenu" class="hidden"{% if login.getCompactMenu() %} checked="checked"{% endif %}>
32 <label for="compactmenu"{% if login.getCompactMenu() %} class="tooltip" data-html="{{ _T("Compact menu") }}"{% endif %}>
33 {% if not login.getCompactMenu() %}{{ _T("Compact menu") }}{% endif %}
34 </label>
35 </div>
36 </div>
37 </aside>