]> git.agnieray.net Git - galette.git/blob - galette/install/scripts/upgrade-to-0.63-mysql.sql
[galette.git] / galette / install / scripts / upgrade-to-0.63-mysql.sql
1 ALTER TABLE galette_adherents ADD pref_lang varchar(20) default 'french' AFTER date_echeance;
2 ALTER TABLE galette_adherents ADD lieu_naissance varchar(20) default '';
3 ALTER TABLE galette_adherents ADD gpgid varchar(8);
4 ALTER TABLE galette_adherents ADD fingerprint varchar(50);
6 INSERT INTO galette_types_cotisation VALUES (7, 'Cotisation annuelle (a payer)');
7 ALTER TABLE galette_adherents ADD UNIQUE (login_adh);
8 ALTER TABLE `galette_adherents` CHANGE `mdp_adh` `mdp_adh` VARCHAR(40);
10 -- Add new or missing preferences;
11 INSERT INTO galette_preferences (nom_pref, val_pref) VALUES ('pref_pays', '-');
12 INSERT INTO galette_preferences (nom_pref, val_pref) VALUES ('pref_website', '');
13 INSERT INTO galette_preferences (nom_pref, val_pref) VALUES ('pref_mail_method', '0');
14 INSERT INTO galette_preferences (nom_pref, val_pref) VALUES ('pref_mail_smtp', '0');
15 INSERT INTO galette_preferences (nom_pref, val_pref) VALUES ('pref_membership_ext', '12');
16 INSERT INTO galette_preferences (nom_pref, val_pref) VALUES ('pref_beg_membership', '');
17 INSERT INTO galette_preferences (nom_pref, val_pref) VALUES ('pref_email_reply_to', '');
19 -- New tables for dynamic fields;
20 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS galette_field_types;
21 CREATE TABLE galette_field_types (
22 field_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
23 field_form varchar(10) NOT NULL,
24 field_index int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
25 field_name varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
26 field_perm int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
27 field_type int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
28 field_required enum('1') default NULL,
29 field_pos int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
30 field_width int(10) default NULL,
31 field_height int(10) default NULL,
32 field_size int(10) default NULL,
33 field_repeat int(10) default NULL,
34 field_layout int(10) default NULL,
35 PRIMARY KEY (field_id),
36 INDEX (field_form)
39 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS galette_dynamic_fields;
40 CREATE TABLE galette_dynamic_fields (
41 item_id int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
42 field_id int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
43 field_form varchar(10) NOT NULL,
44 val_index int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
45 field_val text DEFAULT '',
46 KEY (item_id)
49 -- Table for member photographs;
50 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS galette_pictures;
51 CREATE TABLE `galette_pictures` (
52 `id_adh` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
53 `picture` mediumblob NOT NULL,
54 `format` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
55 PRIMARY KEY (`id_adh`)
58 -- Add two fileds for log;
59 ALTER TABLE galette_logs ADD action_log text;
60 ALTER TABLE galette_logs ADD sql_log text;
62 -- Change table cotisations to store date_fin_cotis instead of duration;
63 ALTER TABLE galette_cotisations ADD date_enreg date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00';
64 ALTER TABLE galette_cotisations ADD date_debut_cotis date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00';
65 ALTER TABLE galette_cotisations ADD date_fin_cotis date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00';
66 UPDATE galette_cotisations
67 SET date_enreg=date_cotis,
68 date_debut_cotis=date_cotis,
69 date_fin_cotis=DATE_ADD(date_cotis, INTERVAL duree_mois_cotis MONTH);
70 ALTER TABLE galette_cotisations DROP duree_mois_cotis;
71 ALTER TABLE galette_cotisations DROP date_cotis;
73 -- Add column to galette_types_cotisations;
74 ALTER TABLE galette_types_cotisation ADD cotis_extension enum('1') default NULL;
75 UPDATE galette_types_cotisation SET cotis_extension='1' WHERE
76 id_type_cotis <= 3 OR id_type_cotis = 7;
78 -- Table for dynamic translation of strings;
79 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS galette_l10n;
80 CREATE TABLE galette_l10n (
81 text_orig varchar(40) NOT NULL,
82 text_locale varchar(15) NOT NULL,
83 text_nref int(10) NOT NULL default '1',
84 text_trans varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
85 UNIQUE INDEX (text_orig(20), text_locale(5))
88 -- Table for transactions;
89 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS galette_transactions;
90 CREATE TABLE galette_transactions (
91 trans_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
92 trans_date date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
93 trans_amount float default '0',
94 trans_desc varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
95 id_adh int(10) unsigned default NULL,
96 PRIMARY KEY (trans_id)
99 ALTER TABLE galette_cotisations ADD trans_id int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL;
101 -- new table for temporary passwords 2006-02-18;
102 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS galette_tmppasswds;
103 CREATE TABLE galette_tmppasswds (
104 id_adh int(10) NOT NULL,
105 tmp_passwd varchar(40) NOT NULL,
106 date_crea_tmp_passwd datetime NOT NULL,
107 PRIMARY KEY (id_adh)
110 -- 0.63 now uses md5 hash for passwords
111 UPDATE galette_adherents SET mdp_adh = md5(mdp_adh) WHERE length(mdp_adh) <> 32;